Offhand Dmg Two Weapon Fighting Pathfinder

Whenever you use the attack action to attack while wielding two weapons, you can expend your martial focus as a swift action to deal additional damage with all attacks you make equal to the weapon damage die of your offhand weapon (if you possess multiple offhand weapons, you must select 1 to use with this talent) until the end of your turn.

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  1. This is also your only Defender ability, so be sure to capitalize on this as much as possible. Perfect Balance (Ex): If you're using a light weapon in your off hand or using a double weapon, you no longer have two-weapon fighting penalties. If you're using a one-handed weapon in your off hand, you don't get anything new.
  2. Normal: You apply Str bonus to damage with a one-handed weapon, or 1.5x Str bonus to a two-handed weapon. Off-Hand Finesse Prerequisites: Improved Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon fighting Benefit: Choose a weapon with which you have Improved Weapon Finesse. You may add half your dex bonus to damage with this weapon when wielded in your off hand.

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Pathfinder Two Weapon Fighting Feats

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Two Weapon Fighting

  • Usage:Passive
  • Prerequisite:Dexterity 15


Two Weapon Fighting reduces the to-hit penalty when using two weapons at the same time.

  • The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off-hand lessens by 6, so it becomes -4 (main hand) / -4 (off-hand) (instead of -6/-10 without this feat).
  • If the off-hand weapon is light, the penalties both decrease by another 2 points, down to -2/-2 (instead of -4/-8 without this feat).
  • For wielders of non-light weapons, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting was once recommended to bring their attack penalty down to -2/-2, but with the current game math, this is not necessary (or still recommended) - there are better feats to take.

After Update 5, an off-hand attack would have a chance to proc on any main hand attack now, instead of being predetermined on certain attacks. The default chance to proc an off-hand attack is 20%.

Two Weapon Fighting increases the chance to proc an off-hand attack by 20%, bringing the total chance to 40%. Additional TWF feats increase the percentage chance of proccing an off-hand attack by 20% per feat, to a max of 80% with Greater Two Weapon Fighting.

This feat also works for Handwraps users.

Additional chances to proc off-hand attack
  • Tempest enhancements, second and fifth core ability - 2x +10%
  • Shintao enhancements, Deft Strikes and Meditation of War (in Wind Stance)
  • Vistani Knife Fighter enhancements, Double Daggers - +20% (daggers only)
  • Raid weapon set with two Brilliant Crescents - +20%
  • Forest's Versatility - +5%

There's no benefit of having more than a 100% off-hand strike chance.

Hits with a TWF character's offhand weapon only receive half of the applicable Ability bonus to damage.


  • TWF provides no benefit to the use of thrown weapons.
  • TWF provides no benefit to the use of two ranged weapons - in fact, it is not possible to wield two ranged weapons simultaneously in DDO - but see Inquisitive enhancements.
  • A ranger is automatically entitled to Two Weapon Fighting at 2nd level, even if he does not have the prerequisite for it.
  • Single Weapon Fighting is mutually exclusive with Two Weapon Fighting.
  • Fighters may select this feat as one of their fighter bonus feats.
  • Monks may select this feat as one of their martial arts feats.

Offhand Dmg Two Weapon Fighting Pathfinder 3

See also

  • Combat Feedback for Update 5 thread by developer Eladrin
FeatRequirementsOffhand Strike Chance (Cumulative)Other Benefits


Attack penalty reduced to -4/-4 from -6/-10
(Attack penalty reduced to -2/-2 if offhand is a Light Weapon)

6 BAB,
17 Dexterity


11 BAB,
17 Dexterity


Level 26, Epic Destiny Feat

+5% Doublestrike

12 Strength, Two Weapon Fighting

Attack penalty reduced to -2/-2

Two Weapon Fighting

+2 DR when actively blocking and dual-wielding.
+1 AC, +5 PRR and as +10 MRR cap when dual-wielding.

Pathfinder Two Weapon Fighting Rules

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