Plugins Airmail

Airmail is an email client with a slick and modern visual design and built-in support for a wide range of apps, including OmniFocus. It’s touted as “having fast performance and intuitive interaction” and supports most email servers including iCloud, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Office 365, Gmail/Google Suite, and IMAP.

Plugins airmail server

Star Mail 1.6.9. Star Mail adds mailboxes, letters, and packages to Minecraft. It pays close attention to details to deliver an immersive mailing experience. By default, players can send three types of mail: letters, written books, and packages. However, players with the mail.custom permission can send any item as mail. Account description option can be found in 'Airmail Preferences Account User'. Show Accounts Badge - Controls whether Airmail adds a badge with the Inbox or Unread message. Count in the Account sidebar. Show Unread or Count - Select whether you want to show the number of unread message or total. Jan 20, 2021 Airmail integrates with quite a few applications and includes a Plugin Framework API that developers can use to integrate their apps with Airmail. There’s a ridiculously long list of productivity applications Airmail supports, including OmniFocus, Things, BusyCal, Evernote, DEVONthink, 2Do, Cardhop, Fantastical, Trello, Bear, Droplr, Todoist. Airmail Plugin Framework (AMPF) 1.0. The AMPF provides the API necessary to develop a plugin for Airmail. Why a Plug-In Framework? The implementation of a plugin is necessary to inherit from the AMPF/AMPlugin class and to override the request methods (see Class Documentation) The framework is an extended part of Airmail. Plugins - Airmail for macOS. Two Step/Factor Authentication - Airmail for macOS. Themes - Airmail for macOS.

Airmail for Mac

Using Airmail for Mac, you can create an OmniFocus action that references the selected email using the Create OmniFocus Task feature. Select the email and control or right-click on the message or, better yet, use the keyboard shortcut ^⌥O. Either way, the Quick Entry window will appear with the title of the action set to the subject of the email and a link to the message stored in the notes field. This link allows convenient access to the email from OmniFocus and will continue to work even if the email is moved to another folder, such as the Archive.

Additionally, the Mac version of Airmail allows you to create rules that leverage this OmniFocus integration. These rules can be triggered by the contents of the email and/or a keyboard shortcut. For example, you could have a rule that is triggered by pressing ^S that creates an OmniFocus action for the selected email and then moves the email to the Archive folder. This integration opens up a wide range of possibilities for automation.

Plugins Airmail List

Airmail for iPhone & iPad

Airmail is also available for iPhone and iPad. Once configured, you can create an OmniFocus action that references an email simply by choosing “Send to OmniFocus” from the action window. The subject of the email is used for the title of the action, and the notes field contains both the contents of a message and a link to the email itself. Conveniently, this link will work across Mac, iPhone, and iPad versions of Airmail.

Plugin Air Filter

As of iOS/iPadOS 14, you can even make Airmail your default mail client.